Say I have two relations that hold records in the same model, such as:
@companies1 = Company.where(...)
@companies2 = Company.where(...)
How can I find the intersection of these two relations, i.e. only those companies that exist within both?
By default connecting those where
together creates AND which is what you want.
So many be:
class Company < ActiveRecord::Base
def self.where_1
def self.where_2
@companies = Company.where_1.where_2
====== UPDATED ======
There are two cases:
# case 1: the fields selecting are different
Company.where(:id => [1, 2, 3, 4]) & Company.where(:other_field => true)
# a-rel supports &, |, +, -, but please notice case 2
# case 2
Company.where(:id => [1, 2, 3]) & Company.where(:id => [1, 2, 4, 5])
# the result would be the same as
Company.where(:id => [1, 2, 4, 5])
# because it is &-ing the :id key, instead of the content inside :id key
So if you are in case 2, you will need to do like what @apneadiving commented.
Company.where(...).all & Company.where(...).all
Of course, doing this sends out two queries and most likely queried more results than you needed.