How do I redirect to root - public/index.html?

geeky_monster picture geeky_monster · Jun 6, 2011 · Viewed 74.9k times · Source

I wish to do a redirection to index.html in my application/public folder.

def get_current_user
   @current_user = current_user
   if @current_user.nil?  
      redirect_to root_path

How do I achieve this ?

I haven't modified the root in my routes.rb ( Its still commented )

 # root :to => "welcome#index"

I get an error saying root_path is undefined.

How do I modify routes.rb so that root_path points to public/index.html ?


meagar picture meagar · Jun 6, 2011

You can assign a named route to a static file by passing any non-empty string as :controller and the path to the file as the :action for the route:

Application.routes.draw do

  root :controller => 'static', :action => '/' 
  # or
  # root :controller => 'static', :action => '/public/index.html'


# elsewhere

redirect_to root_path # redirect to /

Assuming you have a public/index.html, this is what will be served.