Restart Unicorn with a USR2 - quitting old master

Rob Cameron picture Rob Cameron · Apr 26, 2011 · Viewed 12.7k times · Source

So sending USR2 to Unicorn is awesome -- it starts up a new master with a new copy of your code and automatically picks up any changes. Sweet. My question is: how do I stop the old master? The apparently accepted way is in a before_fork:

before_fork do |server,worker|
  old_pid = '/var/www/current/tmp/pids/'
  if File.exists?(old_pid) && != old_pid
    rescue Errno::ENOENT, Errno::ESRCH
      # someone else did our job for us

The problem with this is that as soon as the new master (and new workers) are spawned, they kill the old master. So any requests to the site just sit there waiting for the new worker to start, usually for several seconds while the entire Rails stack loads.

If I remove my before_fork everything works as I would hope (from the client's point of view): I can reload my browser all day and every request is filled quickly, there's no indication of when the new master takes over (other than seeing my code changes appear now). But, the old master now hangs around until I manually send it a QUIT.

As far as I know there is no callback once a worker is done loading and ready to serve clients. That's really the callback I'm looking for. I could always create an initializer in Rails itself that looks for an old master and kills it, but that makes my heart hurt just thinking about it.

There must be a way!


Rob Cameron picture Rob Cameron · Apr 26, 2011

I partially solved this: the behavior I'm seeing is caused by not using preload_app true. If you have this set then the entire app is loaded by the master and workers are very fast to spawn. So if the first worker kills the old master at this point it's okay because said worker can start serving requests immediately!

If you can't use preload_app true then your best bet is probably to move that old-pid-quit behavior into a Rails initializer so that the first worker that brings up your app can kill the old master once Rails has started up and is ready to serve requests.