I have a model that uses paperclip like this:
has_attached_file :avatar, :styles => { :large => "100x100>" , :medium => "50x50>", :small => "20x20>" }, :default_url => '/images/missing-owner_:style.png'
I'm exporting this model with to_json method and I want to export the image url so I could use it in javascript.
I know I can access the url like this in the view:
<%= image_tag model.avatar.url(:medium) %>
But How can I do the same in the to_json method.
I have some like this:
respond_to do |format|
render :json => @model.to_json(:only => [:id,:name,:homephone,:cellphone])
I believe the easiest way for you to accomplish this will be to create a method in your object to return the avatar URL.
class Model < ActiveRecord::Base
def avatar_url
This will then allow you to use the methods option when calling to_json with a simple method that does not require any parameters:
respond_to do |format|
render :json => @model.to_json(:only => [:id,:name,:homephone,:cellphone], :methods => [:avatar_url])
Which should yield you an output along these lines:
{"id" => 1, "name" => "Cool model", "homephone" => 1234567890, "cellphone" => 0987654321, "avatar_url" => "www.coolsite.com/this_avatars_path"}
See these for reference: