I have Rails 5 API project for controlling user tasks and I have the following error but not always for the same controller and route.
ActionController::RoutingError: uninitialized constant Api::V1::ApiController
I describe you a little bit my project to explain in more detail the error.
App structure
scope module: 'api' do
namespace :v1 do
# => Login routes
scope module: 'login' do
match 'login', to: 'sessions#login', as: 'login', via: :post
# => Team routes
scope module: 'team' do
# => no admin routes
resources :tasks, except: [:index] do
collection do
match ':view', to: 'tasks#index', as: 'tasks', via: [:get, :post]
API Controller
module Api
class ApiController < ApplicationController
def respond_with_errors(object)
render json: {errors: ErrorSerializer.serialize(object)}, status: :unprocessable_entity
Team Controller
module Api::V1
class Team::TeamController < ApiController
Tasks Controller
module Api::V1
class Team::TasksController < Team::TeamController
Login Controller
module Api::V1
class Login::LoginController < ApiController
Sessions Controller
module Api::V1
class Login::SessionsController < Login::LoginController
When I execute login route and after tasks route, I get the error in last route and all the routes in team module. If I change the project and save it (only one blank space) and then I execute tasks route and after login route, I get the error in last route and all the routes in login module.
It doesn't have any sense...
You should be using the right constant while inheriting - ::Api::ApiController
module Api::V1
class Team::TeamController < ::Api::ApiController
because otherwise it is searching for Api::V1::ApiController
, but should search for Api::ApiController