I need to perform the following conversion:
0 -> 12.00AM
1800 -> 12.30AM
3600 -> 01.00AM
82800 -> 11.00PM
84600 -> 11.30PM
I came up with this:
(0..84600).step(1800){|n| puts "#{n.to_s} #{Time.at(n).strftime("%I:%M%p")}"}
which gives me the wrong time, because Time.at(n) expects n to be number of seconds from epoch:
0 -> 07:00PM
1800 -> 07:30PM
3600 -> 08:00PM
82800 -> 06:00PM
84600 -> 06:30PM
What would be the most optimal, time zone independent solution for this transformation?
The simplest one-liner simply ignores the date:
#-> "11:00PM"