I have model Person that has many Images, where images has a Paperclip attachment field called data, an abbreviated version displayed below:
class Person
has_many :images
class Image
has_attached_file :data
belongs_to :person
Person is required to have at least one Image attached to it.
When using FactoryGirl, I have code akin to the following:
Factory.define :image do |a|
a.data { File.new(File.join(Rails.root, 'features', 'support', 'file.png')) }
a.association :person
Factory.define :person do |p|
p.first_name 'Keyzer'
p.last_name 'Soze'
p.after_create do |person|
person.assets = [Factory.build(:image, :person => person)]
# p.images {|images| [images.association(:image)]}
(N.B. I have also tried the code commented out above was also tried) Most of the time when I run cucumber features, I get an error akin to the following:
No such file or directory - /tmp/stream,9887,0.png (Errno::ENOENT)
Sometimes the tests run successfully.
Can anyone tell me what the problem is I am having here or how they use FactoryGirl and Paperclip together to achieve something like what I am trying to achieve?
I am using Rails 3.
You can use fixture_file_upload
include ActionDispatch::TestProcess
in your test helper, here is an example factory:
include ActionDispatch::TestProcess
FactoryBot.define do
factory :user do
avatar { fixture_file_upload(Rails.root.join('spec', 'photos', 'test.png'), 'image/png') }
In the above example, spec/photos/test.png
needs to exist in your application's root directory before running your tests.
Note, that FactoryBot
is a new name for FactoryGirl