-bash: ngrok: command not found

Lauren F picture Lauren F · Oct 19, 2014 · Viewed 11k times · Source

I'm trying to integrate the Twilio API into my Rails app. The tutorial I found suggested using ngrok to put my app on the internet (rather than working on localhost). I've installed and upnzipped ngrok, and when I try to call it from the directory it is in, I get:

-bash: ngrok: command not found.

Does anyone know what my problem might be? Also could anyone explain what ngrok does vs deploying to heroku? If heroku would work the same, I would just do that. I'm new to using APIs, though, so I'm not clear on why I'm using ngrok.



Rambo Ramon picture Rambo Ramon · Oct 19, 2014

If the binary is not located in one of the folders stored in the environment variable $PATH you have to provide at least a relative path to your current location. So if you are in the same folder as the binary then you have to call it with ./ngrok