Capistrano and environment variables

Rahul Sekhar picture Rahul Sekhar · May 15, 2014 · Viewed 37.9k times · Source

I've switched to using environment variables for configuration and it works very well - except when I have to deploy or run tasks with capistrano.

Capistrano 3 seems to execute each command prefixed with /usr/bin/env which erases any environment variables I've set through .bashrc.

EDIT - on doing some more reasearch, this might not be the issue, the issue might be because capistrano executes as a non-login, non-interactive shell and does not load .bashrc or .bash_profile. Still stuck, though.

What would be the best way of making sure the environment vars are set when capistrano executes its tasks?


Richard Peck picture Richard Peck · May 15, 2014

You might be best looking at the difference between ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES and SHELL VARIABLES

When you fire SSH, your app will load the SHELL variables which are defined in your .bashrc file. These only exist for the life of the shell, and therefore, we don't use them as much as ENV vars

You may be better putting the ENV vars in:


Like this:

export ENVIRONMENT_VAR=value

This will make the variables available throughout the system, not just in different shell sessions


Have you tried

Capistrano: Can I set an environment variable for the whole cap session?

set :default_env, { 
  'env_var1' => 'value1',
  'env_var2' => 'value2'