I'm trying to add a custom filter to ActiveAdmin which is powered by Ransack these days. Unfortunately, ransacker
is not documented at all and from the few resources online I fumbled together the following (in the User model):
ransacker :full_text, formatter: ->(search) {
ids = User.search_in_all_translated(search).map(&:id)
ids = ids.any? ? ids : nil
} do |parent|
The search_in_all_translated
method returns an array of users which match the search string across all translated attributes.
On the admin page, the following filter is defined:
filter :full_text_in,
label: 'full text search',
as: :string
The filter itself works, so filtering tom
will list all matching records. However, the value in the filter input switches to ["tom"]
Before applying the filter:
After applying the filter:
Any ideas how to fix this?
There's a feature for ransackable scopes waiting to be merged: https://github.com/activerecord-hackery/ransack/pull/288
I've given the work of avit and glebm another go with PR https://github.com/activerecord-hackery/ransack/pull/390 which has been merged, it's therefore now possible to use scopes with Ransack. For the documentation, see the commit:
Here's a real-life example:
class Project < ActiveRecord::Base
scope :full_text_search, ->(search) { search_in_all_translated(search) }
def self.ransackable_scopes(auth_object = nil)
In this example search_in_all_translated
returns some complex indexed full text search SQL.