Here are my local gems :
$ gem list
*** LOCAL GEMS ***
actionmailer (4.0.0, 3.2.14)
actionpack (4.0.0, 3.2.14)
activemodel (4.0.0, 3.2.14)
activerecord (4.0.0, 3.2.14)
activerecord-deprecated_finders (1.0.3)
activeresource (3.2.14)
activesupport (4.0.0, 3.2.14)
arel (4.0.0, 3.0.2)
atomic (1.1.13)
builder (3.1.4, 3.0.4)
bundler (1.3.5)
bundler-unload (1.0.1)
erubis (2.7.0)
hike (1.2.3)
i18n (0.6.5)
journey (1.0.4)
json (1.8.0)
mail (2.5.4)
mime-types (1.24)
minitest (4.7.5)
multi_json (1.7.9)
polyglot (0.3.3)
rack (1.5.2, 1.4.5)
rack-cache (1.2)
rack-ssl (1.3.3)
rack-test (0.6.2)
rails (3.2.14)
railties (4.0.0, 3.2.14)
rake (10.1.0)
rdoc (3.12.2)
rubygems-bundler (1.2.2)
rubygems-update (2.0.7)
rvm (
sprockets (2.10.0, 2.2.2)
sprockets-rails (2.0.0)
thor (0.18.1)
thread_safe (0.1.2)
tilt (1.4.1)
treetop (1.4.15)
tzinfo (0.3.37)
But when I type rails -v
I get this :
$ rails -v
Rails 4.0.0
$ which rails
How can I specify rvm to use rails version 3.2.14 ?
Thanks in advance
You can create a new rails app with a particular rails version, like this:
rails _3.2.14_ new myApp