I am new to rails so go easy. I have developed my blog and deployed it successfully. The entire app is based out of the post_controller. I am wondering how I can reroute the users path to default to the post_controller vs. the app controller.
To illustrate, if you go to http://mylifebattlecry.heroku.com you will see the default rails page. If you go to http://mylifebattlecry.heroku.com/posts you will see the the app. Once I complete this I will change my domain of http://www.mylifebattlecry.com to map to Heroku but need to know how to get the /posts to be where the visitor is sent.
You need to do two things
map.root :controller => "posts" #RAILS 2
root :to => 'posts#index' #RAILS 3
This will then call the index action in your posts controller. You will need to restart the application to see changes to routes.rb