This seems like it should be relatively simple, but I've had some trouble tracking down the answer:
How do you set the page title in ActiveAdmin?
Consolidating answers and adding a little:
Most of this is on this page on the wiki (or I'll put it there soon).
Within the file that registers your model for activeadmin (e.g. app/admin/user.rb), you can have
ActiveAdmin.register User do
# a simple string
index :title => "Here's a list of users" do
# using a method called on the instance of the model
show :title => :name do
# more flexibly using information from the model instance
show :title => proc {|user| "Details for " } do
# for new, edit, and delete you have to do it differently
controller do
def edit
# use resource.some_method to access information about what you're editing
@page_title = "Hey, edit this user called "