I'm wondering what the best way is to store user settings? For a web 2.0 app I want users to be able to select certain settings. At the moment is it only when to receive email notifications.
The easiest way would be to just create a Model "Settings" and have a column for every setting and then have a 1-1 relationship with users.
But is there a pattern to solve this better? Is it maybe better to store the info in the user table itself? Or should I use a table with "settings_name" and "settings_value" to be completely open about the type of settings stored there (without having to run any migrations when adding options)?
What is your opinion?
If you use PostgreSQL, the best solution is to use https://github.com/diogob/activerecord-postgres-hstore/. It's a simple, fast and reliable way to store hashes in the database. Since it's not just a serialised text field, you can search on it also, and you don't need to create a new table, as in HasEasy.
def User
serialize :preferences, ActiveRecord::Coders::Hstore
user = User.create preferences: { theme: "navy" }