Oauth2 Instagram API "redirect URI does not match registered redirect URI"

Biketire picture Biketire · May 14, 2013 · Viewed 63k times · Source

I am working on a Rails application which is in development mode and it can register with omniauth.

The host is


I'm using the gems:

gem 'omniauth'
gem 'omniauth-foursquare'
gem 'omniauth-instagram'

When I register through omniauth with Foursquare there's no problem at all. All the settings are right and my redirect_uri in the Foursquare developer settings equals to the host (localhost:3000)

However, if I fill in the exact same redirect_uri (localhost:3000) in the Instagram client manager*. Instagram gives me this:

 "code": 400,
 "error_type": "OAuthException",
 "error_message": "Redirect URI does not match registered             redirect URI"

Based upon this URL:


* enter image description here

What am I doing wrong according to Instagram and how should this be fixed?


Biketire picture Biketire · Oct 1, 2013

Fixed the issue myself. Added localhost:3000/auth/instagram/callback as redirect_uri and it worked just fine.