Rails 4.0 Strong Parameters nested attributes with a key that points to a hash

John picture John · Jan 23, 2013 · Viewed 43.1k times · Source

I was playing around with Rails 4.x beta and trying to get nested attributes working with carrierwave. Not sure if what I'm doing is the right direction. After searching around, and then eventually looking at the rails source and strong parameters I found the below notes.

# Note that if you use +permit+ in a key that points to a hash,
# it won't allow all the hash. You also need to specify which
# attributes inside the hash should be whitelisted.


So its saying you have to specify every single every single attribute within the has, I tried the following:

Param's example:

                      @headers="Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"screenshot[assets_attributes][0][filename]\"; filename=\"EK000005.JPG\"\r\nContent-Type: image/jpeg\r\n">
 "commit"=>"Create Screenshot"}


def screenshot_params
    :assets_attributes => [:filename => [:@tempfile,:@original_filename,:@content_type,:@headers] 

The above isn't "working" (its not triggering carrierwave) however I am no longer getting errors (Unpermitted parameters: filename) when using the standard nested examples I found ex:

def screenshot_params
  params.require(:screenshot).permit(:title, assets_attributes: :filename)

If anyone could help it would be great. I was not able to find a example with nested with a key that points to a hash.


Jim Deville picture Jim Deville · Jan 23, 2013

My other answer was mostly wrong - new answer.

in your params hash, :filename is not associated with another hash, it is associated with an ActiveDispatch::Http::UploadedFile object. Your last code line:

def screenshot_params
  params.require(:screenshot).permit(:title, assets_attributes: :filename)

is actually correct, however, the filename attribute is not being allowed since it is not one of the permitted scalar types. If you open up a console, and initialize a params object in this shape:

params = ActionController::Parameters.new screenshot: { title: "afa", assets_attributes: {"0" => {filename: 'a string'}}}

and then run it against your last line:

p = params.require(:screenshot).permit(:title, assets_attributes: :filename)
# => {"title" => "afa", "assets_attributes"=>{"0"=>{"filename"=>"abc"}}}

However, if you do the same against a params hash with the uploaded file, you get

upload = ActionDispatch::Http::UplaodedFile.new tempfile: StringIO.new("abc"), filename: "abc"
params = ActionController::Parameters.new screenshot: { title: "afa", assets_attributes: {"0" => {filename: upload}}}
p = params.require(:screenshot).permit(:title, assets_attributes: :filename)

# => {"title" => "afa", "assets_attributes"=>{"0"=>{}}}

So, it is probably worth a bug or pull request to Rails, and in the meantime, you will have to directly access the filename parameter using the raw params object:
