Custom css with kaminari with bootstrap

duykhoa picture duykhoa · Nov 10, 2012 · Viewed 20k times · Source

I try to use paginate with kaminari. My project used bootsrap css, and the result is so ugly:) enter image description here

The html is generated by nokogiri

<nav class="pagination">
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I want something like pagination in bootstrap page, how I can do? Please help!


duykhoa picture duykhoa · Nov 10, 2012

After I posted this question I found the solution: kaminari: A Scope & Engine based, clean, powerful, customizable and sophisticated paginator for Rails 3.

Just go to the console and type:

rails generate kaminari:views bootstrap4

It will download some Haml files to your application, and the views are changed. It also supports bootstrap 2 and 3 e.g

rails generate kaminari:views bootstrap3

Here are some themes for Kaminari views: