Uninitialized constant "Controller Name"

Adam picture Adam · Oct 29, 2012 · Viewed 61.3k times · Source

I'm having an error with my routes/resources and controllers.

I have the following in the routes.rb:

# routes.rb
resources :users do  
  resource :schedule  

And I have a schedule_controller.rb inside controllers/users/ set up as I think it should be:

class Users::ScheduleController < ApplicationController

  # Controller methods here...


Running a rake:routes shows

user_schedule      POST   /users/:user_id/schedule(.:format)       schedules#create
new_user_schedule  GET    /users/:user_id/schedule/new(.:format)   schedules#new
edit_user_schedule GET    /users/:user_id/schedule/edit(.:format)  schedules#edit
                   GET    /users/:user_id/schedule(.:format)       schedules#show
                   PUT    /users/:user_id/schedule(.:format)       schedules#update

However, navigating to /users/:user_id/schedule is returning the following error:

uninitialized constant SchedulesController

My only thoughts on what the problem could be are that is has something to do with nested resources or declaring a single resource and I'm going wrong somewhere.

I'm using the helper


when linking to my 'new' view.


Andrew Marshall picture Andrew Marshall · Oct 29, 2012

It should be SchedulesController, not Users::ScheduleController. Controllers should only be namespaced when the route is namespaced with namespace. Controller names should also always be plural.

What you're creating is a nested resource, not a namespaced one.