Update: this question was asked before there was a solution for it already in ActiveAdmin. As Joseph states, the ActiveAdmin documentation now contains this information, but the answers here are provided for those working with older versions of ActiveAdmin.
When the strong_parameters 0.1.4 is used with ActiveAdmin 0.5.0 in Rails 3.2.8, if the model you are using is using StrongParameters by including:
include ::ActiveModel::ForbiddenAttributesProtection
then you get the following error in the log if you try to create/edit a record:
ActiveModel::ForbiddenAttributes (ActiveModel::ForbiddenAttributes)
Update to the latest inherited_resources gem and do this in your controller block:
ActiveAdmin.register Blog do
controller do
def permitted_params
params.permit(:blog => [:name, :description])
# params.permit! # allow all parameters