I'm used to using delayed_jobs method of going into the console to see whats in the queue, and the ease of clearing the queue when needed. Are there similar commands in Sidekiq for this? Thanks!
There is an ergonomic API for viewing and managing queues.
It is not required by default.
require 'sidekiq/api'
Here's the excerpt:
# get a handle to the default queue
default_queue = Sidekiq::Queue.new
# get a handle to the mailer queue
mailer_queue = Sidekiq::Queue.new("mailer")
# How many jobs are in the default queue?
default_queue.size # => 1001
# How many jobs are in the mailer queue?
mailer_queue.size # => 50
#Deletes all Jobs in a Queue, by removing the queue.
You can also get some summary statistics.
stats = Sidekiq::Stats.new
# Get the number of jobs that have been processed.
stats.processed # => 100
# Get the number of jobs that have failed.
stats.failed # => 3
# Get the queues with name and number enqueued.
stats.queues # => { "default" => 1001, "email" => 50 }
#Gets the number of jobs enqueued in all queues (does NOT include retries and scheduled jobs).
stats.enqueued # => 1051