ruby - redirect_to(url, :myparam => 'abc')

Alex Fox picture Alex Fox · Aug 16, 2012 · Viewed 15.6k times · Source

I can't work this out.

url = ""

redirect_to(url, :param2 => 'xyz')

### Should this go to -

Or am I missing something? It doesn't seem to work?


Thilo picture Thilo · Aug 16, 2012

From the documentation:

redirect_to(options = {}, response_status = {})

Redirects the browser to the target specified in options. This parameter can take one of three forms:

Hash - The URL will be generated by calling url_for with the options.

Record - The URL will be generated by calling url_for with the options, which will reference a named URL for that record.

String starting with protocol:// (like http://) or a protocol relative reference (like //) - Is passed straight through as the target for redirection.

You're passing a String as the first argument, so it's using the 3rd option. Your second parameter is interpreted as the value for the response_status parameter.

So, if your redirect is an internal one (to the same app), you don't need to specify the scheme and hostname. Just use

redirect_to root_url(param1 => 'abc', param2 => 'xyz')

If it's an external URL, build the complete URL before redirecting:

url = ""
redirect_to url