For my RubyOnRails-App I have to start a background job at the end of Capistrano deployment. For this, I tried the following in deploy.rb:
run "nohup #{current_path}/script/runner -e production 'Scheduler.start' &", :pty => true
Sometimes this works, but most of the time it does not start the process (= not listed in ps -aux). And there are no error messages. And there is no nohup.out, not in the home directory and not in the rails app directory.
I tried using trap('SIGHUP', 'IGNORE') in scheduler.rb instead of nohup, but the result is the same.
The only way to get it work is removing the ":pty => true" and do a manual Ctrl-C at the end of "cap deploy". But I don't like this...
Are there any other chances to invoke this Scheduler.start? Or to get some more error messages?
I'm using Rails 2.3.2, Capistrano 2.5.8, Ubuntu Hardy on the Server
With :pty => true, user shell start-up scripts (e.g. bashrc, etc.) are (usually) not loaded. My ruby program exited right after launching because of the lack of dependent environment variables.
Without :pty => true, as you described in the question, capistrano hangs there waiting for the process to exit. You'll need to redirect both stdout and stderr to make it return immediately.
run 'nohup ruby -e "sleep 5" &' # hangs for 5 seconds
run 'nohup ruby -e "sleep 5" > /dev/null &' # hangs for 5 seconds
run 'nohup ruby -e "sleep 5" > /dev/null 2>&1 &' # returns immediately. good.
If your background task still doesn't run. Try redirecting stdout and stderr to a log file so that you can investigate the output.