rails assets pipeline "Cannot allocate memory - nodejs"

Mustafah picture Mustafah · Jun 13, 2012 · Viewed 13.9k times · Source

we've just upgraded to Rails 3.2.5 from Rails 3.0.7 and using the assets-pipeline compilation on the fly for the staging server, but some times we face this exception !

Showing /var/rails/appname/app/views/common/_my_partial.html.haml where line # raised:

Cannot allocate memory - nodejs /tmp/execjs20120613-17090-thoc8f.js 2>&1

Extracted source (around line #):

Trace of template inclusion: app/views/layouts/application.html.haml

Although nothing fancy or huge memory allocations is done in the coffeescripts or in the images folder for example !



Kyle Carlson picture Kyle Carlson · Aug 7, 2013

It's simple to spend the three minutes (maybe two if you type fast) to add a swap file to your server.

If you're running Ubuntu (not sure how well this works for other Linux flavors), just follow this tutorial from DigitalOcean:

