How to render HTML inside Slim templates

Mohamad picture Mohamad · Jun 12, 2012 · Viewed 19.9k times · Source

I'm trying to render a link preceded by an icon. I'm using Slim templating engine along with Bootstrap CSS.

Usually you could do this the following way:

<a href="#"><i class="icon-user"></i> My Profile</a>

According to Slim's documentation, we can use == to render without escaping HTML. So, translating this to Slim, I tried the following variations:

li== link_to "<i class='icon-user'></i> My Profile", current_user
li== link_to "#{'<i class="icon-user"></i>'.html_safe} My Profile", current_user
li= link_to "#{'<i class="icon-user"></i>'.html_safe} My Profile", current_user

All variations rendered <a href="/users/1"><i class="icon-user"></i> My Profile</a> escaping the i tag.

How can I stop Slim or Rails from escaping html?

(Rails 3.2 with Slim 1.2.1)


nroose picture nroose · Dec 3, 2015

This has been answered, but if you actually have some html and you want to render it in a slim template, use double equal.

== "<i>test</i>"

Will be the same as

= "<i>test</i>".html_safe