Many of my views are SLIM templates and I wish to add a vote_form
partial to my app. How would I convert this partial view from ERB to SLIM?
<strong class="result">Votes: <%= voteable.votes_for - voteable.votes_against %></strong>
<%= form_tag user_votes_path(current_user) do |f| %>
<%= radio_button_tag :thumb_direction, :up %>
<%= radio_button_tag :thumb_direction, :down %>
<%= hidden_field_tag :voteable, @voteable %>
<%= submit_tag :vote %>
<% end %>
Thanks :)
You can simply use html2slim gem
gem install html2slim
This package include a tool called erb2slim
which can convert erb file to slim recursively. Option -d
for delete the erb file after the convert finished.
erb2slim -d <dir of your views>
You must pass through HAML !
Install HAML dependencies on your environment or your gemset
gem install html2haml # This was moved out of haml gem
gem install ruby_parser
Switch to HAML templating
find . -name '*erb' | \
xargs ruby -e 'ARGV.each { |i| puts "html2haml -r #{i} #{i.sub(/erb$/,"haml")}"}' | \
Install SLIM tool dependency
gem install haml2slim #
Switch to SLIM templating
find . -name '*haml' | \
xargs ruby -e 'ARGV.each { |i| puts "haml2slim #{i} #{i.sub(/haml$/,"slim")}"}' | \
Clean ERB and HAML templates
find . -name '*erb' -exec rm -f {} \;
find . -name '*haml' -exec rm -f {} \;
Remove dependencies
gem uninstall html2haml
gem uninstall ruby_parser
gem uninstall haml2slim
That all, have fun