How to access default Rails sqlite db?

kostja picture kostja · Apr 16, 2012 · Viewed 65.5k times · Source

I would like to view the data in my DB while developing with Rails (actually in all 3 of them development, test and production). I have not touched the configs, so it should be easy, but I was not able to find any usable info.

I have no idea what the connection string could be or where to enter it, since Aptana (v.3) seems to lack the good old data source explorer view I know from Eclipse. Could someone point me into the right direction?

EDIT: I am working on linux - Mint 12


Gazler picture Gazler · Apr 16, 2012

You have neglected to mention the OS you are using.

One way is to use the sqlite3 command in your terminal.

sqlite3 db/development.sqlite3

However, for things like inspecting your rows, you would be better using a rails console.

rails c
> User.all # Where user is your model.

NOTE: Do not change your DB schema directly through sqlite3, something you may be used to if you come from a different web stack background. This is because the next time you run the migrations, the state will be different to what rails expects.