Adding Routes to Rails' Spree E-Commerce

Trip picture Trip · Apr 8, 2012 · Viewed 10.2k times · Source

I just recently upgraded to 1.0.3, and the routes.rb file in my config/routes folder seems to ignore all my custom routes.

MY routes.rb

JollyStore::Application.routes.draw do
  # Mount Spree's routes
  mount Spree::Core::Engine, :at => '/'

  root :to => 'pages#index'

  namespace :admin do
    resources :wysiwygs

  match 'about_us/', :to => "pages#about_us"
  match 'services/', :to => "pages#services"
  match 'raw_resources/', :to => "pages#raw_resources"
  match 'contact_us/', :to => "pages#contact_us"

  match 'privacy_policy/', :to => "pages#privacy_policy"
  match 'return_policy/', :to => "pages#return_policy"
  match 'refund_policy/', :to => "pages#refund_policy"
  match 'cancellation_policy/', :to => "pages#cancellation_policy"
  match 'delivery_shipping_policy/', :to => "pages#delivery_shipping_policy"


If I run bundle exec rake routes, it returns all the approriate routes. But when I try to reach that specific page, I get :

undefined local variable or method `about_us_path'

Or the same error for every link that is within my custom routes. Somehow my routes are being ignored. Does anyone know a way to circumvent this issue?


manafire picture manafire · Apr 18, 2012

I encountered the same error and found this solution, which solved it by prefixing main_app, before each of my_paths/_urls. In my case, these were links used in one of the /override.rb files.

So, try: main_app.about_us_path.