A Rails plugin is either an extension or a modification of the core framework.
I want to create a public live chat application using rails 3. I found some example on rails 2. Any one can …
ruby-on-rails ruby ruby-on-rails-3 chat ruby-on-rails-pluginsIs there any open source (or example) code for Ruby on Rails which can filter, sort, and paginate a certain …
ruby-on-rails ajax rubygems ruby-on-rails-pluginsI have migrated my application from rails 2.3 to rails3 and i have a problem with paperclip. I saw there was …
ruby-on-rails ruby-on-rails-plugins paperclipAfter installing capybara-webkit, I tried to try a test inside a spec, here is my test: Capybara.default_driver = :webkit …
ruby-on-rails-3 ruby-on-rails-plugins capybara capybara-webkitWhenever two concurrent HTTP requests go to my Rails app, the second always returns the following error: A copy of …
ruby rubygems ruby-on-rails-plugins ruby-on-rails-2I have this error which is making it impossible to load my app no such file to load -- coffee_…
ruby-on-rails coffeescript ruby-on-rails-pluginsBrand new at Rails. I had a simple Rails 3 app on OS X 10.6 going, using the default sqlite3 database. I'm …
ruby-on-rails ruby-on-rails-3 ruby-on-rails-pluginsI am currently developing some plugins for Redmine, and I must say, I'm a bit disappointed with the lack of …
ruby-on-rails ruby-on-rails-3 ruby-on-rails-plugins redmine redmine-pluginsI am trying to create a gem with a generator for Rails 3 (beta 4). I followed these instructions, and but I …
ruby rubygems ruby-on-rails-plugins ruby-on-rails-3