I am trying to render the errors in the form if the ajax call to the form URL fails. Below is my Admin
@Admin = React.createClass
# propTypes: ->
# emailVal: React.PropTypes.string.isRequired
getInitialState: ->
edit: false
errorTexts: []
handleToggle: (e) ->
@setState edit: [email protected]
@setState errorTexts: []
handleDelete: (e) ->
# yeah... jQuery doesn't have a $.delete shortcut method
method: 'DELETE'
url: "/admins/#{ @props.admin.id }"
dataType: 'JSON'
success: () =>
@props.handleDeleteAdmin @props.admins
handleEdit: (e) ->
data = email: ReactDOM.findDOMNode(@refs.email).value
# jQuery doesn't have a $.put shortcut method either
method: 'PUT'
async: false
url: "/admins/#{ @props.admin.id }"
dataType: 'JSON'
admin: data
error: (data, status, xhr) =>
errorTexts = []
for key, value of data.responseJSON
errorText = "#{key} #{value.toString()}"
errorTexts.push errorText
@replaceState errorTexts: errorTexts
@setState edit: true
success: (data, status, xhr) =>
@setState edit: false
@props.handleEditAdmin @props.admin, data
adminRow: ->
dom.tr null,
dom.td null, @props.admin.email
dom.td null,
className: 'btn btn-default'
onClick: @handleToggle
className: 'btn btn-danger'
onClick: @handleDelete
adminForm: ->
dom.tr null,
dom.td null,
className: 'form-control'
type: 'text'
defaultValue: @props.admin.email
ref: 'email'
for errorText, index in @state.errorTexts
React.createElement AdminError, key: index, errorText: errorText
dom.td null,
className: 'btn btn-default'
onClick: @handleEdit
className: 'btn btn-danger'
onClick: @handleToggle
render: ->
if @state.edit
The corressponding AdminError
component is:
@AdminError = React.createClass
getDefaultProps: ->
errorText: ""
render: ->
className: 'help-block'
While debugging I am getting the correct value of @props.errorText as "email is invalid". But it is not getting rendered on the page and I am geeting this warning in console: "Warning: input is a void element tag and must not have children
or use props.dangerouslySetInnerHTML
. Check the render method of null."
Attached is the screenshot of both the error and the page.
I tried changing the AdminError component as follows, but it didn't work:
@AdminError = React.createClass
getDefaultProps: ->
errorText: ""
render: ->
className: 'help-block'
dangerouslySetInnerHTML: __html: marked(@props.errorText.toString(), {saitize: true})
When I set a debug point at the line returning dangerouslySetInnerHTML, I correctly get the value of @props.errorText
as "email is invalid" and value of marked(@props.errorText.toString())
as "
email is invalid
".. but still the help-block for error is not rendered at all.UPDATE: Made the following changes in the AdminError component
@AdminError = React.createClass
getDefaultProps: ->
# errorText: ""
errorTexts: []
render: ->
for errorText in @props.errorTexts
className: 'help-block'
and in the Admin component, made the following changes to the adminform method:
dangerouslySetInnerHTML: {
__html: ReactDOMServer.renderToString(
# for errorText, index in @state.errorTexts
React.createElement AdminError, errorTexts: @state.errorTexts
not getting the warning anymore, but instead getting the following error:
Uncaught Invariant Violation: ReactCompositeComponent.render(): A valid ReactComponent must be returned. You may have returned undefined, an array or some other invalid object.
Warning: input is a void element tag and must not have
A dom.input
may not have child elements.
But this code is trying to render error messages as children of a dom.input
dom.td null,
className: 'form-control'
type: 'text'
defaultValue: @props.admin.email
ref: 'email'
# These are being rendered as children of the input:
for errorText, index in @state.errorTexts
React.createElement AdminError, key: index, errorText: errorText
Can you render those error messages somewhere else? For example, as siblings of the input:
dom.td null,
className: 'form-control'
type: 'text'
defaultValue: @props.admin.email
ref: 'email'
for errorText, index in @state.errorTexts
React.createElement AdminError, key: index, errorText: errorText