This is what the documentation of wicked pdf specifies:
render_to_string(:pdf => "pdf_file.pdf", :template => 'templates/pdf.html.erb', :layout => 'pdfs/layout_pdf'),
:footer => {:content => render_to_string({:template => 'templates/pdf_footer.html.erb', :layout => 'pdfs/layout_pdf'})}
What i get is ActionView::MissingTemplate Even though i have pdf.html.erb in directory. I use a gen_pdf method in the application controller and an equivalent pdf.html.erb in the views/application folder. What am i missing.
.I ran into the same problem as you. You have to render your PDF quite differently when you're doing it in a Controller action as opposed to a Mailer or something else.
First off, using template
won't work. There's some other nuances but here is my implementation you can build off of:
def export
header_html = render_to_string( partial: 'exports/header.pdf.erb',
locals: { report_title: 'Emissions Export' } )
body_html = render_to_string( partial: "exports/show.pdf.erb" )
footer_html = render_to_string( partial: 'exports/footer.pdf.erb' )
@pdf = body_html,
orientation: 'Landscape',
margin: { bottom: 20, top: 30 },
header: { content: header_html },
footer: { content: footer_html } )
# Attach to email as attachment.
attachments["Export.pdf"] = @pdf
# Send email. Attachment assigned above will automatically be included.
mail( { subject: 'Export PDF', to: '[email protected]' } )