I am writing a unit test using rspec.
I would like to mock Rails.env.develepment? to return true. How could I achieve this?.
I tried this
Rails.env.stub(:development?, nil).and_return(true)
it throws this error
activesupport-4.0.0/lib/active_support/string_inquirer.rb:22:in `method_missing': undefined method `any_instance' for "test":ActiveSupport::StringInquirer (NoMethodError)
Update ruby version ruby-2.0.0-p353, rails 4.0.0, rspec 2.11
describe "welcome_signup" do
let(:mail) { Notifier.welcome_signup user }
describe "in dev mode" do
Rails.env.stub(:development?, nil).and_return(true)
let(:mail) { Notifier.welcome_signup user }
it "send an email to" do
expect(mail.to).to eq([GlobalConstants::DEV_EMAIL_ADDRESS])
There is a much better way described here: https://stackoverflow.com/a/24052647/362378
it "should do something specific for production" do
allow(Rails).to receive(:env) { "production".inquiry }
#other assertions
This will provide all the functions like Rails.env.test?
and also works if you just compare the strings like Rails.env == 'production'