If I have this line in the %files:
%attr(0555, myuser, myuser) /opt/myapp/lib/my.jar
Then my.jar will have myuser as owner, but directory /opt/myapp/lib will be owner by root. I don't want to write
%attr(0555, myuser, myuser) /opt/myapp/lib/
as I don't want all files in /opt/myapp/lib/ to be included.
How can I set owner for /opt/myapp/lib/ directory?
I'm not an RPM expert.. but as far as I know, you could use the %dir directive as follows:
%dir %attr(0555, myuser, myuser) /opt/myapp/lib
%attr(0555, myuser, myuser) /opt/myapp/lib/my.jar
or, even simpler:
%dir /opt/myapp/lib
The %dir directive allows you to add the directory, but not its content.