Top "Rpc" questions

Remote Procedure Call (RPC) is an approach to interprocessor or distributed communication wherein a set of services or procedures are exposed to remote clients.

GWT Simple RPC use case problem : Code included

I am trying to work out how to send a domain object from the server-side to the client-side using GWT …

gwt rpc gwt-rpc
Efficient Python IPC

I'm making an application in Python3, which will be divided in batch and gui parts. Batch is responsible for processing …

python ipc communication rpc
Create and link XSD to a WADL

I am creating some services using JAX-RS that need to take in arbitrarily complex objects as arguments, not just primitives …

json xsd rpc jax-rs wadl
Session management in gwt

I am using GWT for my client side application. However, I am not sure how I can handle session management. …

ajax session gwt rpc
How should a ZeroMQ worker safely "hang up"?

I started using ZeroMQ this week, and when using the Request-Response pattern I am not sure how to have a …

python concurrency message-queue rpc zeromq
Gitblit push error "error: RPC failed; result=52, HTTP code = 0"

Setup gitlbit on my Mac OS X 10.8, but keeps failing to push! In the Gitblit web interface, I created an …

git push rpc gitblit