react-native-router-flux, how to get current scene key

Oscar Franco picture Oscar Franco · Jul 26, 2016 · Viewed 12.2k times · Source

Hey I'm trying to get current scene key while using react-native-router-flux.

my route file:

const AppRouter = connect()(Router)

class Routes extends Component {
  render() {
    function selector(props) {
      // GoogleAnalytics.trackView(props.navigationState)
      return props.auth.isLoggedIn ? (props.auth.isVerified? 'home': 'authenticate') : 'authenticate'

    const component = connect(state => ({
      auth: state.auth,

    return (
        <Scene key="root" component={component} tabs selector={selector} hideNavBar hideTabBar>
          <Scene key="authenticate" hideTabBar>
            <Scene type="replace" key="login" title="Login" initial component={GradientBackground(LoginScreen)} hideNavBar/>
            <Scene type="replace" key="register" component={GradientBackground(RegisterScreen)} hideNavBar/>
            <Scene type="replace" key="forgotPassword" title="forgotPassword" component={GradientBackground(ForgotPasswordScreen)} hideNavBar/>
            <Scene type="replace" key="emailConfirmation" component={GradientBackground(EmailConfirmationScreen)} hideNavBar/>
          <Scene key="home" component={NavigationDrawer} type="replace">

export default Routes

as you can see I'm trying to send current scene name to google analytics for tracking, but I can't seem to be able to get current displayed scene key, any ideas?


Oscar Franco picture Oscar Franco · Jul 27, 2016

I ended up implementing a middle reducer:

const AppRouter = connect()(Router)

class Routes extends Component {

  render() {
    let catchInitialState = false

    function selector(props) {
      return props.auth.isLoggedIn ? (props.auth.isVerified? 'home': 'authenticate') : 'authenticate'

    const reducerCreate = params => {
      const defaultReducer = Reducer(params)
      return (state, action) => {
        if(action.type == 'RootContainerInitialAction') {
          catchInitialState = true

        if(catchInitialState && action.type != 'RootContainerInitialAction') {
          catchInitialState = false

        if(action.type == 'REACT_NATIVE_ROUTER_FLUX_REPLACE') {

        return defaultReducer(state, action)

    const component = connect(state => ({
      auth: state.auth,

    return (
      <AppRouter createReducer={reducerCreate}>
        <Scene key="root" component={component} tabs selector={selector} hideNavBar hideTabBar>
          <Scene key="authenticate" hideTabBar>
            <Scene type="replace" key="login" initial component={GradientBackground(LoginScreen)} hideNavBar/>
            <Scene type="replace" key="register" component={GradientBackground(RegisterScreen)} hideNavBar/>
            <Scene type="replace" key="forgotPassword" component={GradientBackground(ForgotPasswordScreen)} hideNavBar/>
            <Scene type="replace" key="emailConfirmation" component={GradientBackground(EmailConfirmationScreen)} hideNavBar/>
          <Scene key="home" component={NavigationDrawer} type="replace">

export default Routes