Top "Routes" questions

Questions about mapping URLs to Controllers and Actions.

Laravel 5 Resourceful Routes Plus Middleware

Is it possible to add middleware to all or some items of a resourceful route? For example... <?php Route::…

laravel laravel-5 routes laravel-routing laravel-middleware
Rails/Rspec - testing a redirect in the controller

So I am currently writing a test for a controller in an existing controller that just didn't have one before. …

ruby-on-rails redirect rspec routes
How can I have lowercase routes in ASP.NET MVC?

How can I have lowercase, plus underscore if possible, routes in ASP.NET MVC? So that I would have /dinners/… url routes case
Generating routes in javascript with Twig and Symfony2

Quite odd problem, sorry for asking, i'm quite new to Symfony/Twig. My route requires a mandatory region_id paramenter: …

javascript symfony routes twig
how do return the $ from ui-router statechange

I would like to return the .state('name') when I change location in angular. From my run() it can return …

javascript angularjs routes angular-ui-router
React-router v4 - cannot GET *url*

I started to use react-router v4. I have a simple <Router> in my app.js with some navigation …

javascript reactjs routes localhost react-router
Possible to create this redirecting route in Rails?

Is it possible to do a redirect in the routes file of a Rails app? Specifically, I'd like to forward /…

ruby-on-rails redirect routes
Redirect root url to somewhere else in Rails application

I have routes like this: map.namespace 'prepayments', :path_prefix => '/:locale/prepayments' do |prepayment| prepayment.root :controller => …

ruby-on-rails redirect routes root
Accessing $route.params in VueJS

Looking through this documentation: It looks like you can bind the <…

javascript vue.js routes router
Zend Framework 2: get matched route in view

I'm currently learning ZF2 by developing a small MVC application roughly based on the skeleton app. Right now I'm trying …

model-view-controller routes zend-framework2