Top "Roi" questions

Region Of Interest, a region of an image on which algorithms are executed on.

RotatedRect ROI in OpenCV

I have a RotatedRect, I want to do some image processing in the rotated region (say extract the color histogram). …

image-processing opencv mask roi
How to draw a rectangle in opencv dynamically according to image width and height?

i want to draw a rectangle in opencv according to the image width and height (i.e. i don't want …

c image-processing opencv roi
copying non-rectangular roi opencv

I want to copy a part of an image which is not rectangle with C++ opencv. The corner points of …

c++ c opencv roi
How can one easily detect whether 2 ROIs intersects in OpenCv?

I am trying to detect whether 2 Regions of Interest (CvRects) are intersecting one another in OpenCV. I can obviously manually …

c++ opencv roi
Roi extraction with cv::rect in opencv

I am trying to extract the first quarter of a 100x100 pixel image. I was thinking of using the cv::…

opencv vector rect roi
how to extract the objects inside the region of interest in matlab

I am interested in extracting the objects inside the region. For example, Fig1 showed the intensity profile of my laser …

image matlab image-processing roi
OpenCV extract area of an image from a vector of squares

I have an image that contains a square, and I need to extract the area contained in that square. After …

c++ opencv image-processing object-detection roi
Define image ROI with OpenCV in C

I have a question about how to define a ROI with OpenCV. I know what the definition of the function …

c opencv roi
Select a ROI (circle and square) in matlab in order to aply a filter

I am working on matlab and I want to do an interactive selection like you do when you use the …

matlab geometry interactive roi