Top "Rodbc" questions

RODBC provides an ODBC database interface for R. The CRAN package provides access to any Open DataBase Connectivity (ODBC) accessible database.

String continuation across multiple lines, no newline characters

Am using the RODBC library to bring data into R. I have a long query that I want to pass …

r newline word-wrap rodbc end-of-line
closing unused RODBC handle

I have been receiving a Warning Message: `historicalHourly <- importHistoricalHourly(startDatePast,endDatePast,Markets,location) [1] "Importing Hourly Data" [1] "Flag - …

r odbc warnings cran rodbc
update an SQL table via R sqlSave

I have a data frame in R having 3 columns, using sqlSave I can easily create a table in an SQL …

sql r sql-update rodbc
R: Painfully slow read performance using RODBC & SQL Server

I am new to R but am interested in using Shiny to create dynamic charts using data stored in a …

sql-server r database performance rodbc
RODBC not recognizing my odbc settings

I'm running R 2.15.2 on a Red Hat Linux 6 server. My goal is to connect to a MS SQL Server Database …

linux r unixodbc rodbc
How to convert searchTwitter results (from library(twitteR)) into a data.frame?

I am working on saving twitter search results into a database (SQL Server) and am getting an error when I …

r twitter rodbc
First argument is not an open RODBC channel

I am connecting to an Oracle database via DNS (set up the connection on the tnsnames.ora with the name "…

r odbc rodbc
How to stop a running query?

I use RODBC to send queries to an SQL-Server. Sometimes they take too much time to run, so I need …

sql-server r rodbc
Unable to append to SQL Server table using sqlSave in R

I am trying to update a SQL table using sqlSave function of RODBC package in R. Data is present in …

sql sql-server r odbc rodbc
Reading a access database (mdb) in 64 bit in R

I have a database and I need to read that in R. I found some packages such as Hmisc and …

r rodbc