I am trying to add tags to data-driven tests in Robot Framework. I have created keywords for the templatized tests and tables for the data similar to the following:
# Test case file
*** settings ***
Resource libraries.txt
Test Template My Test Template
*** test cases *** parameter1 parameter2 ER
testa value1a value2a ERa
testb value1b value2b ERb
# Template file
*** Keywords ***
My Test Template
[Arguments] ${parameter1} ${parameter2} ${ER}
${result}= Do Something ${parameter1} ${parameter2}
Should Be Equal As Strings ${result} ${ER}
How can I add (possibly distinct) tags for testa and testb?
It turned out to be PEBKAC. I was not indenting the tag statement. Those double spaces did me in (again).
Tags can be added like this:
*** test cases *** parameter1 parameter2 ER
testa value1a value2a ERa
[Tags] tag1
testb value1b value2b ERb
[Tags] tag1