Top "Rippledrawable" questions

Using RippleDrawable, users will no longer have a button (for example) that simply changes colors when pressed; instead, that button will respond with ripples and waves when users interact with it.

ripple drawable crashes the app on Android API 19

I am using a custom ripple drawable <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <ripple xmlns:android="…

android rippledrawable android-api-levels
Ripple effect on Spinner dropdown items colored background (appcompat-v7 V21)

I tried to apply ripple effect on Spinner dropdown items, like this: ArrayAdapter<CharSequence> adapter = ArrayAdapter.…

android android-spinner android-appcompat material-design rippledrawable
How to handle the Ripple effect on 9-patch and CardView, and have control over the states of the selector?

Background I wish to add a simple ripple effect for listView items from Android Lollipop and above. First I'd like …

android android-listview android-5.0-lollipop rippledrawable
Ripple effect does not show up sometimes

I defined a ripple drawable and set it as the background for the listview item view's background. It almost works …

android android-listview rippledrawable