Top "Right-to-left" questions

Right to Left (RTL) refers to the scripts of natural languages that are written and read from the right to the left instead from the left to the right, such as Hebrew, Arabic and Persian.

Master Detail Page on the right side using Xamarin.Forms

I've created a master detail page on the left side using Xamarin.Forms, how about creating the same for the …

xamarin xamarin.forms cross-platform right-to-left master-detail
RTL is on web page reverses numbers with a dash

When my website displays Hebrew text mixed with numbers, and there is a number with a dash in the middle, …

css hebrew right-to-left
Spinner with arrow in left

I'm developing an app for RTL language and want to change the position of arrow to the left of Spinner ! …

android android-spinner right-to-left
Right-to-Left Email

I'm trying to generate email from my code that will read correctly for people using right-to-left-reading languages such as Arabic. …

email utf-8 arabic right-to-left
text direction in CK Editor

How can I set text direction [rtl] on load editor?

ckeditor right-to-left bidi
Display phone numbers as left-to-right in right-to-left language

I have a display of a users contact details where the user can alternate the display between left-to-right and right-to-left …

html css right-to-left left-to-right
How can I fill RecyclerView with GridLayoutManager from right to left

I'm trying to fill some data into a RecyclerView with GridLayoutManager: GridLayoutManager layoutManager = new GridLayoutManager(this, 3, GridLayoutManager.VERTICAL, false); This …

android android-recyclerview right-to-left gridlayoutmanager
Change UITableView direction to Right-to-Left

I develop an iOS application and my native language is Persian (a Right-to-Left language). How can I change UITableView direction …

ios swift uitableview right-to-left