Top "Reverse-proxy" questions

A reverse proxy server usually refers to an HTTP accelerator or load-balancer which proxies requests on behalf of the actual clients to one or more backend HTTP servers.

Case-insensitive Location

I am using VisualSVN Server that installs an Apache server. In the below example <Location /MyIISWebSite> ProxyPass https://…

apache reverse-proxy httpd.conf mod-proxy visualsvn-server
nginx and Perl: FastCGI vs reverse proxy (PSGI/Starman)

A very popular choice for running Perl web applications these days seems to be behind a nginx webserver proxying requests …

perl nginx fastcgi reverse-proxy plack
Advantages of a reverse proxy in front of Node.JS

What are the advantages of having nginx or another web-server running as a reverse-proxy in front of the Node.JS? …

apache node.js nginx reverse-proxy webproxy
apache reverse proxy: how to forward proxy server's HTTP_HOST

Our local development setup requires a box in the DMZ, and each developer has a line in its apache config …

apache proxy reverse-proxy http-host
CSS/JS files not showing from server to reverse-proxy OctoPrint server via Nginx

I've got a Nginx server running on website I'm trying to serve a page (from an OctoPi) …

css nginx reverse-proxy octoprint
Nginx reverse proxy causing infinite loop

I have the following in my Nginx site config file: server { listen 80 default_server; listen [::]:80 default_server ipv6only=on; …

redirect nginx virtualhost reverse-proxy redirect-loop
How does Varnish know how long to cache each response for?

Does Varnish simply follow the Cache-Control header from the origin server? And are there any other ways that you can …

caching reverse-proxy varnish
nginx monitoring response from upstream server

I have a reverse proxy setup with nginx. Client ------> Nginx ------------------------------------> Backend Server <------ <----------------------------------- (…

nginx reverse-proxy openresty
Client IP issue address over https with Rackspace Cloud Load Balancers

We're currently using Lighttpd with FastCGI to serve PHP to our clients. We recently added load balancing through RackSpace Cloud …

https ip-address load-balancing reverse-proxy rackspace-cloud
nginx + nodejs + php

I have a particular URI scheme that is causing me some trouble. I need to run nodejs to serve the …

php node.js nginx reverse-proxy