A reverse proxy server usually refers to an HTTP accelerator or load-balancer which proxies requests on behalf of the actual clients to one or more backend HTTP servers.
I am using VisualSVN Server that installs an Apache server. In the below example <Location /MyIISWebSite> ProxyPass https://…
apache reverse-proxy httpd.conf mod-proxy visualsvn-serverA very popular choice for running Perl web applications these days seems to be behind a nginx webserver proxying requests …
perl nginx fastcgi reverse-proxy plackWhat are the advantages of having nginx or another web-server running as a reverse-proxy in front of the Node.JS? …
apache node.js nginx reverse-proxy webproxyOur local development setup requires a box in the DMZ, and each developer has a line in its apache config …
apache proxy reverse-proxy http-hostI've got a Nginx server running on website https://example.com. I'm trying to serve a page (from an OctoPi) …
css nginx reverse-proxy octoprintI have the following in my Nginx site config file: server { listen 80 default_server; listen [::]:80 default_server ipv6only=on; …
redirect nginx virtualhost reverse-proxy redirect-loopDoes Varnish simply follow the Cache-Control header from the origin server? And are there any other ways that you can …
caching reverse-proxy varnishI have a reverse proxy setup with nginx. Client ------> Nginx ------------------------------------> Backend Server <------ <----------------------------------- (…
nginx reverse-proxy openrestyWe're currently using Lighttpd with FastCGI to serve PHP to our clients. We recently added load balancing through RackSpace Cloud …
https ip-address load-balancing reverse-proxy rackspace-cloudI have a particular URI scheme that is causing me some trouble. I need to run nodejs to serve the …
php node.js nginx reverse-proxy