Top "Reverse-engineering" questions

Reverse engineering is the process of discovering the technological principles of a human made device, object or system through analysis of its structure, function and operation.

How to unzip, edit and zip an android apk

I have an android apk and I deleted my source code and dont have the project again, I want to …

android reverse-engineering reverse
Convert ASM to C (not reverse engineer)

I googled and I see a surprising amount of flippant responses basically laughing at the asker for asking such a …

c assembly embedded reverse-engineering microchip
How to analyze binary file?

I have a binary file. I don't know how it's formatted, I only know it comes from a delphi code. …

binary reverse-engineering serialization code-analysis
Tools to help reverse engineer binary file formats

What tools are available to aid in decoding unknown binary data formats? I know Hex Workshop and 010 Editor both support …

binary reverse-engineering file-format binary-data
Any tool/software in windows for viewing ELF file format?

There are lots of PE file browsers. Here is a list of good ones if you are interested: PE File …

windows assembly linker reverse-engineering elf
Disassembling A Flat Binary File Using objdump

Can I disassemble a flat binary file using objdump? I'm familiar with disassembling a structured binary executable such as an …

reverse-engineering disassembly objdump
UML free reverse engineering tool for C++ (.h/.cpp ==> Class Diagram)

What tools are available for creating UML Class Diagrams from a set of .h- or .cpp-files? I am looking for …

c++ uml reverse-engineering class-diagram
Is there a way to see which email address a contact form is sending it content to

Is there any way to see which email address a contact form is sending it content to ? Someone asked me …

email reverse-engineering contact-form email-address
free UML sequence diagram reverse engineering eclipse plugin working out of the box - does such a thing exist?

I tried (though not very comprehensively) numerous solutions including ModelGoon (only class and interaction diagrams available), ObjectAid (class diagram only), …

eclipse eclipse-plugin uml reverse-engineering sequence-diagram
How can I protect MySQL username and password from decompiling?

Java .class files can be decompiled fairly easily. How can I protect my database if I have to use the …

java mysql security reverse-engineering decompiling