Top "Retrofit2" questions

Retrofit2 is the second version of the type-safe REST client Retrofit for Android and Java.

How to send object parameter in Retrofit GET request?

I have a back-end server that works like this "api/videos?search_object={"cat_id" :2, "channel_id" : 3, etc} Basily you …

android gson retrofit retrofit2 android-networking
Handling Error RXJava Android with Kotlin

Hi I'm new with RxJava and Kotlin and I loose some concepts about it. I have "api" like this: interface …

android kotlin retrofit2 rx-java2
Retrofit 2 enqueue method running 2 times

I am new to Retrofit Library. I am working on an app in which I've to make multiple API calls, …

android api retrofit retrofit2 asynccallback