Top "Restsharp" questions

RestSharp is a simple to use REST client library for .NET

How should I implement ExecuteAsync with RestSharp on Windows Phone 7?

I'm attempting to use the documentation on the RestSharp GitHub wiki to implement calls to my REST API service but …

c# api windows-phone-7 rest restsharp
RestSharp print raw request and response headers

I'm using RestSharp to make calls to a webservice. All is well but I was wondering if it would be …

c# restsharp
RestSharp HttpBasicAuthentication - example

I have a WPF client using RestSharp and WEB API Service. I try to use HttpBasicAuthenticator as follows: RestRequest login = …

c# authentication restsharp
Sending HTTP POST Multipart/form-data field using RestSharp

I'm having issues using RestSharp for a REST API I need to use for a project I'm working on. The …

c# json rest multipartform-data restsharp
RestSharp - Ignore SSL errors

Is there any whay that I can get RestSharp to ignore errors in SSL certificates? I have a test client, …

https restsharp
How to use OAuth2 in RestSharp

After a couple of days sorting out OAuth2 at the server-end (Spring java) I started working on the client written …

c# rest curl oauth-2.0 restsharp
Get JSON response using RestSharp

I'm new to C# and I'm trying to get the JSON response from a REST request using RestSharp; The request …

c# json rest restsharp
Serializing an object with restsharp and passing it to WebApi not serializing list

I have a a view model that looks like. public class StoreItemViewModel { public Guid ItemId { get; set; } public List<…

c# restsharp
RestSharp post request - Body with x-www-form-urlencoded values

I am using postman and making an api post request where I am adding body with x-www-form-urlencoded key/values and …

c# post restsharp
Difference between RestSharp methods AddParameter and AddQueryParameter using HttpGET

I'm using RestSharp to call an external API. This works: var client = new RestClient(apiUrl); var request = new RestRequest(myurl, …

c# .net rest restsharp