Top "Restkit" questions

RestKit is an Objective-C framework for iOS that aims to make interacting with RESTful web services simple, fast and fun.

RestKit and saving to CoreData as NSManagedObject

I'm using RestKit and i want to parse and save elements to core data. I have two json files: First (…

ios objective-c core-data restkit
Xcode 7.1 header not found

During archive Xcode 7.1 does says Restkit/Restkit.h not found but in debug it successfully found the header. It's an …

xcode restkit xcode7.1
RestKit in android?

I have used restkit framework in ios. Which is very powerful and provides features like caching and all. I am …

java android restlet restkit
Restkit json error response msg from server

I have used many hours on how to solve this issue. Im using Restkit 0.9.3 with Object Mapping 2.0. All data is …

ios json api response restkit
RestKit Image Upload

I am using RestKit to drive interactions with my web server. I am trying to use routing to POST an …

objective-c ios image upload restkit
RestKit and AFNetworking build error

When I attempt to import the RestKit api into a project I get the following error: /Documents/Code/RestTest/RestKit/…

ios restkit afnetworking
Deserializing local NSString of JSON into objects via RestKit (no network download)

Is it possible to deserialize an NSString of JSON into objects via RestKit? I checked the API list here and …

iphone ios restkit
RESTKit POST Request Tutorial

I would like to know if there is a specific tutorial on how to do a POST request with RESTKit. …

ios objective-c restkit restkit-0.20