Top "Restapi" questions

Use this tag for questions on how to build or use a REST API.

REST api pagination: make page-size a parameter (configurable from outside)

we are having a search/list-resource: http://xxxx/users/?page=1 Internally the page-size is static and returns 20 items. The user …

rest restapi
Should a RESTful API return 404 for arrays of objects?

Lets say there's a Product with Orders. If you ask for /products/product_id, it will return a 404 if product_…

rest restapi
Calling a rest service from Spark

I'm trying to figure out the best approach to call a Rest endpoint from Spark. My current approach (solution [1]) looks …

scala rest apache-spark restapi
Aggregate data in RESTful API

Have an interesting HTTP API question that I'd like some opinions on. My API allows people to rate things on …

rest restapi
Batch processing via REST service

Are there any best practices for performing BATCH operations via REST for POST, PUT, PATCH verbs? The current paradigm I …

rest restapi