I am trying to use RESTful API go gather the data from a Google spreadsheet spreadsheet.
I reviced the document at https://developers.google.com/sheets/api/reference/rest/v4/spreadsheets.values/get but I cannot find the key that allow me to specify a specific GID (tabs) of the spreadsheet.
After call the API, I was able to get a value from the first tab of the spreadsheet, but I want to change it to the second page (another GID)
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
Edit: Added example:
I have a sample spreadsheet here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1da3e6R08S8OoibbOgshyAQy7m9VRGPOrSGzVIvMSXf4/edit#gid=0
When I want to get the value on A1, I can call the RESTful API:
And I will get:
"range": "Sheet1!A1",
"majorDimension": "ROWS",
"values": [
"This is on the first tab!"
But as you see in my spreadsheet, I have to tabs (sheet2), how can I get that value of "This is on the second tab!
To specify a specific GID (tabs) of the spreadsheet. Enter your 'sheet_name' with single quotes. Don't miss to add double quotes for range. Hope it helps
var query = {
auth: authClient,
spreadsheetId: 'spreadsheetID',
range: "'sheet1'!A1:D3",