In my restful webservice, in case of bad request (5xx) or 4xx respose codes, I write a custom header "x-app-err-id" to the response.
On the client side, I use exchange method of RestTemplate to make a RestFul web service call. Everything is fine when the response code is 2xx.
ResponseEntity<Component> response =,
But if there is an exception(HttpStatusCodeException) because of it being a bad request(5xx) or 4xx, in the catch block of HttpStatusCodeException, I get response(see above) as null and so I do not have access to my custom header I set in my web service. How do I get custom headers from the response in case of exceptions in RestTemplate.
One more question is, I set an error object(json) in the reponse body in case of error and I would like to know how to access response body as well in case of exceptions in RestTemplate
I finally did it using ResponseErrorHandler.
public class CustomResponseErrorHandler implements ResponseErrorHandler {
private static ILogger logger = Logger.getLogger(CustomResponseErrorHandler.class);
private ResponseErrorHandler errorHandler = new DefaultResponseErrorHandler();
public void handleError(ClientHttpResponse response) throws IOException {
List<String> customHeader = response.getHeaders().get("x-app-err-id");
String svcErrorMessageID = "";
if (customHeader != null) {
svcErrorMessageID = customHeader.get(0);
try {
} catch (RestClientException scx) {
throw new CustomException(scx.getMessage(), scx, svcErrorMessageID);
public boolean hasError(ClientHttpResponse response) throws IOException {
return errorHandler.hasError(response);
And then use this custom response handler for RestTemplate by configuring as shown below
<bean id="restTemplate" class="org.springframework.web.client.RestTemplate">
<property name="messageConverters">
<ref bean="jsonConverter" />
<property name="errorHandler" ref="customErrorHandler" />
<bean id="jsonConverter" class="org.springframework.http.converter.json.MappingJacksonHttpMessageConverter">
<property name="supportedMediaTypes" value="application/json" />
<bean id="customErrorHandler " class="my.package.CustomResponseErrorHandler">