Top "Resolution" questions

Questions about image resolution.

HTML/CSS: What should I use to define image height/width to make it resolution independent?

I've read all over the Internet that I should not define fonts (or anything) with absolute pixel height/width/size …

html css resolution dpi resolution-independence
Android display offset/change position

Is it possible to offset the entire display content / change its position using adb shell? As i recently noticed it …

android shell adb resolution display
gravatar highest resolution

I show a gravatr image of users in my site. How can I know the best highest resolution to use? …

resolution gravatar
Objective C - how to get current screen resolution?

is there any way to get the users screen resolution with objective c? Thanks. Solution: int width = [[NSScreen mainScreen] frame].…

objective-c screen resolution screen-resolution
Getting screen size on OpenCV

How do I get the computer screen resolution on OpenCV? I need to show two images side by side using …

opencv screen resolution
C++ overload resolution

Given the following example, why do I have to explicitly use the statement b->A::DoSomething() rather than just …

c++ function overloading resolution
Android MediaCodec: Reduce mp4 video size

I am looking for a way to "compress" an mp4 video. To achieve this, I want to reduce the resolution …

android video resolution mp4 android-mediacodec
How to FIX Chromium HiDPI Scaling:

Tested On: Ubuntu Gnome 16.04 LTS I had an issues with getting my HiDPI display, 3200x1800, working correctly with Chromium. By …

ubuntu scale resolution chromium display
Capturing images with mjpg-streamer at a higher resolution than 640x480

I'm using mjpg-streamer on Angstrom Linux on a BeagleBone and have been able to capture images from the stream. I …

streaming webcam resolution beagleboard mjpeg
Android xxxhdpi drawable resolution auto resize

If I add a large image to xxxhdpi folder does it gets resized automatically by Android to smaller images for …

android image size resolution hdpi