Top "Resize" questions

Issues relating to the resizing of controls, windows, forms or screens.

Vertically (only) resizable windows form in C#

I have a situation where it would be beneficial to me to allow my windows form to be resized by …

c# winforms resize
How to change CSS of columns - ReactTable

I am using react-table in my application. I am stuck in doing one thing i.e. changing the CSS of …

css reactjs resize react-table
How to resize and draw an image using wxpython?

I want to load an image, resize it to a given size and after draw it in a specific position …

python image wxpython resize draw
Resize a WPF window, but maintain proportions?

I have a user resizable WPF Window that I want to constrain the resizing so the aspect ratio of the …

wpf windows resize aspect-ratio
math/algorithm Fit image to screen retain aspect ratio

I need help with math / algorithm to take an image of known size and fit to one of two screen …

algorithm image math graphics resize
Using ImageMagick or Ghostscript (or something) to scale PDF to fit page?

I've been bashing my head against this to no avail. I need to shrink some large PDFs to print on …

pdf resize imagemagick ghostscript
How to resize Title in a navigation bar dynamically

I have some views that show up in a navigation controller. Two of these views have a longer title for …

iphone uinavigationcontroller resize uinavigationbar autoresize
Image resize quality (Java)

I have an open-source app which uploads photos to Facebook. To save bandwidth, the photos are automatically resized before uploading (…

java image resize jpeg photo
PHP Thumbnail Image Resizing with proportions

As a brief run down, I am currently making a dating type site. Users can create accounts and upload profile …

php image-processing resize thumbnails autoresize
JavaFX how to get menubar to fit to parent in width only?

I am using Scene Builder to create my GUI and my menu bar isn't resizing to the parent. How do …

java resize javafx menubar autoresize